Date 13 November 2023
Format cm 16 x 18
Price € 33.00
EAN 9782733915660
Publisher Website

My Charms

Learn Charm Reading
Author Chloé Toile
Publisher Grancher
Category Practical Books
Learn the art of divination with these 13 carefully selected charms, to be used alone or in concert with card readings and tarot.

Welcome to the world of charms! Descended from the most ancient traditions, charm reading derives from the casting of elements gathered from nature, a practice every civilization has used in seeeking answers about the future. These 13 charms, carefully selected for this box set by spiritual guide Chloé Toile, can be used on their own or as an accompaniment to your tarot and card readings. Representing universal symbols from the Clover, synonymous with good fortune, to the guardian angel to the Anchor, symbolic of fidelity, these charms will answer your questions about love, career, and everyday life.