Date 13 February 2019
Pages 20
Format cm 19 x 19
Price € 12.50
EAN 9782278091546
Publisher Website

Cocotte Knits

Publisher Didier Jeunesse
Category Children's Books
Keywords Knitting - Winter - Animals
Age 0-33-6
A story full of whimsy, animals, and knitting!

This winter, it's as cold as a polar bear. Beware of colds!
Luckily, knit knit, stitch stitch, Cocotte knits for all her friends: an orange scarf for the snowman, a green bonnet for the cow, blue socks for the penguin... She knits so much that finally, there's not a single piece of wool left to knit! Fortunately, Cocotte isn't short on ideas—you'll see!

  • Sales in France 10,000 copies
  • As of: May 2024