Date 09 March 2023
Pages 217
Format cm 17 x 23
Price € 23.00
EAN 9782258204362

Taste, Taste, Taste

Category Practical Books
GENRE Lifestyle
Alexandra Golovanoff, THE French lifestyle maven, reveals how she has been refining her confident and uninhibited taste over the years.

Taste, taste, taste! Taste is everything. Whether it's decoration, beauty, well-being, or cuisine, have faith in yourself: venture off the beaten path, and ask questions! Alexandra advises readers to expand their search beyond the borders of France for the sofa of their dreams, develop their personal style and color preferences, and break free from social conventions. In a light-hearted way, she shows us how to do things like make our legs seem longer by fiddling with the height of your socks, or how to control our hair. Let your imagination and all five senses be your guides in the kitchen so that you can add flavor to a salad or make mouthwatering homemade jam with a mere twist of a spoon.