Date 21 October 2020
Pages 205
Format cm 19 x 24
Price € 16.95
EAN 9782017135258
Publisher Website

The Easiest Book in the World

The 100 Easiest Drawing Lessons in the World
Publisher Hachette Enfants
Category Children's Books
Age 6-99-12
This compendium of drawing lessons will teach you to draw more than 100 different things! You'll never get bored!

Easy-to-do projects and illustrated step-by-step instructions enable children to bring a variety of subjects to life with just a few strokes. This book teaches you how to draw 100 different things, from a fox to a robot, a dragon to manga character!
The same series also includes shorter titles with 20 drawing lessons apiece, each on a specific theme. Pick your favorite theme and get started!

  • Sales in France 23,000 copies
  • Rights Sold Catalan, Spanish
  • As of: May 2024